5 S Consultancy


ISOhelpline 5S PowerPoint

5S is a best known tool for implementing system approach to management (Quality Management Principle No. 4; ISO 9000)
“5 S” is also starting point for Lean deployment. 5 S stands for:

  • Seiri
  • Seiton
  • Seiso
  • Seiketsu
  • Shitsuke
  • Short
  • Set in Order
  • Shine
  • Standardize
  • Sustain
  • Short
  • Organize
  • Beutify
  • Expand
  • Retain

Implementing ISO 9000, ISO 14000, OHSAS 18000, Lean, Six Sigma requires systematic approach to everything we do.
Implementing 5 S or SOBER principles helps you in implementing and adopting systematic approach.

We can help you implement 5S in your organization.

You can use ISOhelpline Training slides which are designed in such a way that you can explain the concept of 5 S (or SOBER) in a lay-mans terms.
The use of Images and ready to use guidance and templates given in the slides Kit helps you Do-It-Yourself.

Search Terms

5 S Implementation | 5S Consultancy | House Keeping | Lean Management Techniques | 5-S & Lean | 5-S Training program | 5S PPT | 5S Training