Press Release

For latest Events, Achievements, Dvelopments, Press Release refer ISOhelpline Blog

This page provides information on our business associations and programs. Press can use this information for their media coverage. for any query please feel free to contact us.

1. 13-August-2008, Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. signs agreement with Plimus Corporation USA

2. 25-August-2008, New Affiliate from Singapore

3. 31-August-2008, New Affiliate from Ukraine

4. 12-September-2008, New Affiliate from United States

5. 18-September-2008, New Affiliate from Barcelona, Estonia

6. 27-September-2008, New Affiliate from Chico, California

7. 23-October-2008, New Affiliate from Australia and New Zealand

8. 23-October-2008, New Affiliate from Philippines

9. 01-November-2008, New Affiliate from India

1. 13-August-2008, Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. signs
agreement with Plimus Corporation USA

Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. launched direct online selling and affiliate system for selling its products based on ISO 9001 2008 and Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions through Plimus Corporation USA (

Mr. Manoj Jain, Director and CEO, said that this plat form will help consultants and small organization a platform
to earn dollars without any investment. Even students can now sell these world famous products through their blogs and
personal web sites without worrying about online payment gateways and security issues.

The Plimus system is very well tested, it leaves a cookie on user system and tracks first referral to award business
commission making it truly transparent and safe system

2. 25-August-2008, New Affiliate form

Plimus affiliate system allows software sale through out the world to any affiliate. Today, 25-August-2008,
Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. started affiliate program with Syabrina Sunari, Block 701 Hougang Avenue 2
#02-03, 530701, Singapore.

The program is voluntary and Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. has built a system to automatically approve all
affiliate applications through plimus corporation.

3. 31-August-2008, New Affiliate form

Plimus affiliate system allows software sale through out the world to any affiliate. Today, 31-August-2008,
Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. etended its affiliate program with Mr. Dmitry Wladimirow, Gogolya 410, 1,
Cherkassy, Ukraine  (+3 8050 5397733).

The program is voluntary and Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. has built a system to automatically approve all
affiliate applications through plimus corporation.

4. 12-September-2008, New Affiliate form
United States

Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. extended its affiliation program to USA by approving the application of
Delta Software, 11 Penn Plaza,5th Floor,PMB#5107, New York City, NY United States (Mr. , XiaoBin Kou, 212-946-4582) as affiliate.

5. 18-September-2008, New Affiliate form
Barcelona, Estonia

Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. further extended its affiliation to Estonia with its new affiliate Mr. Fawzi
Ghaloul, C/Bruc, 6, 2, 3, Rubi- Barcelona, Estonia, 34 609009 as affiliate.

6. 27-September-2008, New Affiliate
form Chico,


Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. approved the application of Laney’s Ebooks, Elaine Flock, 2221 Danbury
Way, Chico, CA (530-345-5925)

7. 23-October-2008, New Affiliate form
Australia and New Zealand

Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. extended its affiliation to Australia’s leading management consultancy
organization “Safety Health Environment and Quality Assurance”, PO Box 158, INGLEWOOD, Australia, +61 8 9371

Mr. Eric Watts, principal consultant, SHEQA, believes that this association will help small and medium enterprises enhance their quality management to next level.

Mr. Manoj Jain, Director and CEO, Innovative Matrix Pvt. Ltd., an 100% export oriented organization, assured that they
will extend this association to more products such as Enterprise Resource Planning Software and launching CD’s on ISO 9001:2008 in media stores all over Australia and New Zealand.

8. 23-October-2008, New Affiliate
form Philippines

Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. extended its affiliation to Philippines. The new affiliate is Jose Arnold Cadorna, 242 Belgium St., Suba Pasil, Cebu City, Philippines, 0322623070.

9. 01-November-2008, New Affiliate
form India

Innovative Matrix Softech Pvt. Ltd. extended its online affiliation within India. The new affiliate is PRODUCTIVITY SERVICES, 4, Kalakruti Complex, Dhanukar Colony, Lane 17, above Raj Sweet, Near Nasik Bridge, Kothrud, Pune-38.

M/s. Productivity Services is already a partner for Physical CD delivery and ERP software products. This online
affiliation will allow them to sell ISOhelpline series products worldwide.